The pen is a common tool used by all professions. A regular pen works just fine, unless you’re using a fancy pen with gold or other jewelries. If you pay closer attention to your pen, chances of you finding a special engraved pens. Another popular pen type is the fountain pen. It is still very useful and well-loved.
The only thing that makes rollerballs and ballpoints different is their shape. It’s the ink. Ink in a ballpoint has oil-based ink which takes a little longer to dry. The good news? The ink tends smear to less during drying. Ballpoint is an excellent choice if the habit of rubbing your fingers on lines you have just added is a problem. The ball’s responsiveness is reduced by oil-based paint formulas, and it is often called “scratchy”.
Ballpoint ink is oil-based. Your writing tends to float above the paper. The ink from a roll ball soaks into paper. Ballpoint is more effective on thin papers to prevent smudges. This is why teachers, students, and journalists who are often required to write on both the sides of a paper prefer ballpoint to rollerball.
Rollerball ink might not work well on coated paper if it isn’t able to absorb the paper. A roller ball cannot make sharp lines on standard paper because the ink will spread and try to get into the paper. This may pose a problem for those who have small letters. But, the best thing about a rolling ball is that you can write very smoothly because the pointy roller that delivers the ink glides along the paper.
Act of Writing
Rollerball doesn’t require that you push down as you write. A rollerball pen is the best choice for those with injuries to the hand. Rollerballs are great in these cases, but you need to choose a pen that has a thick barrel and is heavier. You don’t need to push down too hard with a quality pen, regardless what pen type.
It is easier to use oil-based ink than its water-based counterparts. Because the oil-based ink doesn’t dry so quickly, a pen with an oil-based pen does not need to be capped. Most models use a click/twist mechanism to make sure the pen is always available for use. Water-based inks dry easily so a cap is needed to seal moisture. Caps can not only prevent the ink dripping, but also protect your books, papers, etc. from any ink spillages.
A great pen’s design includes not only its weight and balance, but also its appearance. A good-looking pen will make you feel better. It brings joy, style, joy, and perhaps the luxury to write. Unless you’re using fountain type pen, a pen is disposable.
If you are unsure about what type of pen to use, you could always run a quick test on and compare them. They have special engraved pens that rolls while you write. The reservoir attached to the ball allows it to be inked. The best part about finding the right pen is that they are easy to find and affordable.